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Radio Waves Magazine

For the latest edition of  ARYA Radio Waves

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Social Dinner and Committee Meeting

Tuesday April 12th

Dinner at 6 pm at

Bairnsdale Sporting and Convention Center.


Committee Meeting 7:30 all members are invited to attend Committee Meeting

If you are attending please contact Ken


1.5 Class FOR SALE

Monthly Event Reports

Reports will be archived for 6 months and will be posted on separate WEB PAGES

Click on the Date Pages


NMSC Race under the 10 standard International Model Yacht Racing rules and have since 2004

For Rules Click Here

But we must race in a Friendly way, showing respect and good manners to all fellow sailors and to give advice and assistance re- rules etc when required especially to novice sailors


NMSC I.O.M. Project

In April 2015 the NMSC Committee voted  unanimously to adopt the International One Metre design as our fostered Club Racing Yacht

This was done for several reasons.

For Continuity. Resale value. Ability to race with other clubs and to encourage other clubs to join with us in racing events etc

One of our Club Members, Col Yohanson found 3 moulds for IOM`s in Toowomba QLD and after negotiations with Allan Strong of Blue Fin Radio Yachts our Club has purchased them

Allan (who we have dealt with before when we purchased 6 "Orca" IOM`s) is retiring  so we were able to purchase these 3 Boat Moulds which will be of great benefit to our Club members and adopt as our One Design Club I.O.M Yacht Project

The Project in Pictures

The Build of the First 4 Yachts

After 5 months of trying to formalize an agreement and obtaining  building information and permission from the designer to use 2 of the moulds we have, we decided to use Allans "Orca" mould (not our preferred ) but as our sailing season is almost  upon us we do need boats to race

The Construction Pictures below are just one members ideas on how to construct to the yacht


To Be Continued



Thank You for storing our Club Trailer - Nicholson Boat Storage

Adjacent to the Nicholson River Boat Ramp. 


Contact:  Laurie & Blanch Miles

(03) 5156 8323

Contact : Andrew  on 0414 564 426 or

To Link to The Radio Sailing On-Line Shop   Click Here