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RACE RESULTS - 2021-2022
RESULTS - RACE #1, 17 October 2020
After a foreboding forecast of 90% chance of rain, but 20 degrees, we turned up, it was overcast with occasional sun and light winds of ~5knots. Fun was had practicing and sailing around until racing started at 1:00PM.
First race was pleasant sailing in light wind. Colin got off to a good start and lead all the way in his new Kantwo, with Maureen just behind and a visitor from Bendigo (sailing David's Alternative) was third. However, during the last lap it started to mist then spit raining, just as the first boats finished. We stopped racing and huddled under umbrellas, a car anex and in cars, hoping for the rain to clear. After half an hour, with ominous clouds all around, the day was "called" and when the rain stopped, the buoys were collected and everything packed away.
Driving home the weather was fine, with even sunshine, and it seemed like the wrong decision was made, but then more showers came across, so it turned out the wise decision.
RESULTS - RESAIL RACE #1, 30 October 2020
Weather was cloudy with occasional sunshine, wind SE to S, 12 -18kts. low 20s, wind was cool, but not too unpleasant.
Most of the racing in top of A rig wind range with frequent strong gusts of 15+. Everyone used A rigs but Bs were discussed when wind strength kept increasing throughout the racing.
Most of the afternoon fluctuated between ESE to East winds across the course and progressively stronger gusts from the SE. Led to many nose-ins going downwind, when gusts hit. Stressed the A rigs but no failures. Tuning the rigs, to have speed in the lighter time and not be unable to control in strong and long gusts, was the biggest problem. Charles was there practicing with his boat, but not officially racing.
Colin's new Kantun reveled in the fresh winds, taking the first four races easily, after good starts.
Seven races, 3 laps 12 - 20 knots E to SE
FIRST on 9pts- Colin Johanson - Kantwo #72 - Red 10 second handicap next
SECOND on 12pts - Ken Nichols - Orka #104
THIRD on 13pts - David Meldrum - Bug (his own design)#62
Then, with equal scores - Maureen 22, Richard W. 22, with one discard.
RESULTS - RACE #2, 7 November 2020
Weather was cloudy with later sunshine, wind SSE to S, 12 -18kts. temperature cool up to 160only, wind was cold, but not too unpleasant. Very similar to last week, but colder and stronger, more consistently strong winds.
All of the racing was in top of A rig wind range with frequent strong gusts of 18+. Everyone used A rigs but B used by Ian practicing in his Blowfly.
Most of the afternoon fluctuated between SSE winds across the course and progressively stronger gusts from the SE. Led to many nose-ins going downwind, when gusts hit. Stressed the A rigs but David's winch was a bit slow, then unwound when spring tensioner stretched out more and more. Tuning the rigs, to have speed in the lighter time and not be unable to control in strong and long gusts, was the biggest problem. Charles was there trying Ken's boat during a break, but not racing.
Colin's new Kantun, Ken's Orka and David's Bug again reveled in the fresh winds with high speed downwind runs (but frequent nosedive trips). Fun day of fast sailing for all who attended
Seven races, 3 laps 12 - 20 knots SE to S
FIRST on 8pts- Colin Johanson - Kantwo #72 - Yellow 20 second handicap next
SECOND on 9pts - Ken Nichols - Orka #104
THIRD on 21pts - Richard Wareham - Orka #105
Then, with equal scores - Maureen 22, with one discard, David with gear failure and Ian practicing.
RESULTS - RACE #3, 21 November 2020
Weather was cloudy, wind E to ESE, 14 -20 -10kts. temperature cool up to 220only, wind was cool, but not too unpleasant. Very similar to last week, but stronger, more consistently strong winds to start with.
Most of the racing was in B rig wind range with frequent strong gusts of 20+. Everyone used B rigs, especially after David and Colin trying A rigs but too strong. The last two races were in lighter 10 knot winds but, with everyone using B rigs was still fun.
Most of the afternoon fluctuated between E to SE winds across the course with strong gusts. Led to fast up and downwind racing. First real chance tuning the B rigs against each other, to have max speed in the wind with control in strong and long gusts, was the challenge. Charles was there sailing and racing for his first time.
David's Bug and Colin's new Kantun, again reveled in the fresh winds with high speed downwind runs, but Colin starting from 20-second handicap couldn't catch David, who was out in the clear each race, except for one DNF. Consistent sailing by both gave them 1,2 finishes in all their scored races. Fun day of fast sailing for all who attended, but a little attrition was suffered under the conditions.
Seven races, 3 laps 12 - 20 knots E to ESE
FIRST on 6pts- David Meldrum - Bug #62 - Red 10 second handicap now
SECOND on 12pts - Colin Johanson - Kantwo #72 - Yellow 20 second handicap
THIRD on 16 pts - Maureen Lee - one design #103
Then, with scores - Richard 22, Charles 32 with one discard, David E with gear failure.
RESULTS - RACE #4, 5 December 2020
Weather was sunny, wind ES to ESE (again), but only a very consistent 5 -8kts. temperature warm up to 240only, wind was cooling, and pleasant. Very similar to last week, but lighter, more consistently.
All of the racing was in A rig wind range with minor variations. Everyone used A rigs. Peter had no electrics but soon diagnosed as faulty toggle switch. Once by-passed, Peter was fine. Colin had terminal corrosion of Rx plugs, through foolishly leaving lid on after washing down lesson learned, so no racing for Colin.
Most of the afternoon fluctuated between E to SE winds across the course with mild gusts. Led to consistent up and downwind racing. Charles was there sailing and racing and was well up in the pack.
Ken's Ocka, David's Bug and Peter's Alternative, reveled in the consistent breezes with high speed downwind runs, David and Peter both starting from 10-second handicap couldn't catch Ken, who was out in the clear each race in great trim for winds, except for two 2nds. Fun day of relaxing sailing for all who attended, and clean sailing and trim the big factors in those conditions.
Seven races, 3 laps 12 - 20 knots E to ESE
FIRST on 7pts- Ken Nichols - Ocka #104 - Red 10 second handicap now
SECOND on 11pts - David Meldrum - Bug #62 - Red 10 second handicap
THIRD on 17 pts - Peter Elsmore - Alternative #00 - Red 10 second handicap
Then, with scores - Maureen 18, Charles 29 with one discard, Colin with gear failure DNS.
RESULTS - RACE #5, 9 January 2021
Weather was sunny, wind SE to ESE, a very consistent 5 -10kts. temperature warm, up to 260only, wind was cooling, and pleasant. Very similar to last week, but lighter, more variable wind.
All of the racing was in A rig wind range. Everyone used A rigs.
Most of the afternoon fluctuated between E to SE winds across the course with mild gusts. Led to consistent up and downwind racing. Charles was there sailing and racing and was well up in the pack.
The conditions were very light to start with then freshened a little, giving interesting racing as frequent wind-shifts could rapidly alter the positions as to who received the puff or could benefit from a direction shift. Everyone was taking their penalties (even when just a boom touched the buoy to turn it a little). Very enjoyable and jovial sail on a lovely day.
Six boats started and six sailed every race, which is great.
Seven races, 3 laps 5-10 knots E to SE
FIRST on 12pts- Colin Johanson - Kantun #72 - Green 30 second handicap now
SECOND on 14pts - Ken Nichols - Ocka #104 - Red 10 second handicap
THIRD on 15 pts - Richard Wareham - Ocka #105
Then, with scores - David 17, Maureen 23, Charles 30 with one discard
IOM Scratch Race Trophy 2021
This race is a special day for our IOM sailors (now most of us now). It is an intense day of up to 15 races and not only tests sailing skills, but boat durability as well. It is a scratch race so everyone starts equally and on this day most starts were Port starts, leading to a few tangled starts.
Looking like a perfect day, the weather was sunny, wind ES to ESE, at a very consistent 8 -10kts. temperature warm, up to 240 only, the wind was cooling, and pleasant. Very similar to last fortnight, but stronger, more variable direction wind.
All of the racing was in A rig wind range. Everyone used A rigs.
With so many races a 12:30 start time was planned, but one of our members slipped over, hitting his head on a towbar. After he was patched up, racing started at about 1:00pm. Most of the afternoon fluctuated between E to SE winds across the course with gusts and lots of narrow shifts, which made leads change many times and often led to tight racing.
The conditions were a lovely 8 knots start with then freshened a little, giving interesting racing as frequent wind-shifts could rapidly alter the positions as to who received the puff or could benefit from a direction shift. Everyone was taking their penalties (even when just a boom touched the buoy to turn it a little). Very enjoyable and jovial sail on a lovely day.
Six boats started and six sailed every race, which is great. The only retirement was Colin when his drain hole seal came off, and it was found his jib attachment had pulled out too.
Fifteen races, 3 laps 8-10 knots E to ESE
FIRST on 24pts - Ken Nichols - Ocka #104
SECOND on 32pts - David Meldrum - Bug #62
THIRD on 33pts - Colin Johanson - Kantun #72
Then Pete 37pts, Richard 44pts and Charles 73pts.
RESULTS - RACE #6, 6 February 2021
Another day in paradise. Weather was hot & sunny, wind all over the place from N, W to SE a flukey 1 - 8kts. Quite hot, over 340only, wind was barely cooling. All of the racing was in A rig wind range. Everyone used A rigs.
Most of the afternoon fluctuated between N , W to SE winds across the course with very mild flukey gusts. Sailing was very much luck of where you were when a puff came through. Wind changes were all over the place so difficult to sail consistently and plenty of position changes.
The conditions were very light to nothing to start with then freshened slightly, giving interesting racing as frequent wind-shifts could rapidly alter the positions as to who received the puff or could benefit from a direction shift. Everyone was taking their penalties (even when just a boom touched the buoy to turn it a little). Very enjoyable and jovial sail on a lovely day.
Colin found it hard to overcome his 30 second handicap, but David, on a 10 second handicap showed his dominance with 5 out of seven firsts and the other two 2nds - he had his Bug going well in the light conditions. Maureen showed great speed and consistency too with some great finishes.
Six boats started and six sailed every race, which is great.
Seven races, 3 laps 1-8 knots N to W to SE
FIRST on 7 pts- David Meldrum - Bug #62 - Yellow 20 second handicap now
SECOND on 12 pts - Maureen Lee - One Off #103
THIRD on 17 pts - Colin Johanson - Kantun #72 - Green 30 second handicap
Then, with scores - Richard 22, Charles 26, Matt 34 (Budgie) with one discard
RESULTS - RACE #7, 6 March 2021
Weather was cool but sunny, wind all over the place from N, W to SE a flukey 5 - 14kts. Only 200, the wind was comfortable to cold. All of the racing was in A rig wind range. Everyone used A rigs.
When we arrived and started sailing, wind was a lovely 5-8knots. By race time in the afternoon it had freshened to >10 knots, as forecast. Wind strength grew as the racing went on with W to SE winds across the course with frequent strong gusts.
Everyone was taking their penalties and putting on jumpers and jackets as the wind got colder and stronger. Very enjoyable and jovial sail though with lots of bumps at buoys, a couple of hook-ups and one lost rig.
Six boats started and six sailed every race, which is great.
Seven races, 3 laps 8-14 knots W to SE, with gusts.
FIRST on 11 pts- David Meldrum - Bug #62 - Green 30 second handicap now
SECOND on 12 pts - Richard Wareham - Ocka #105
THIRD on 15 pts - Ken Nichols - Ocka #104
Then, with scores - Colin 21, Matt 30 (Budgie) and Bruce with one discard
RESULTS - RACE #8, 20 March 2021
Weather was cool but sunny, and wind strong, mainly from SE at flukey 8 - 16kts. Only 200, the wind was comfortable to cold. All of the racing was in B rig wind range. Everyone used B rigs.
When we arrived and started sailing, wind was a consistent 10 knots, with an increase predicted. By race time in the afternoon it had freshened to >12 knots, as forecast. Wind strength grew as the racing went on with frequent strong gusts for exciting but very fast races. Great conditions for old style Ocka skiffs and Budgie. Races were over so fast that David and Colin, both on 30 second penalties, couldn't catch up. Shows penalty system works.
Everyone was taking their penalties and putting on jumpers and jackets as the wind got colder and stronger. Very enjoyable and jovial sail though with lots of bumps at buoys and some nose-diving in gusts.
Six boats started and six sailed every race, which is great.
Seven races, 3 laps 8-16 knots SE, with gusts.
FIRST - Ken Nichols - Ocka #104 - Yellow 20 second handicap now
SECOND - Richard Wareham - Ocka #105
THIRD - Matt Wareham - Budgie #01
The scoresheet was mislaid, hence no scores for Charles, David & Colin available.
RESULTS - RACE #9, 17 April 2021
Weather was cool and overcast, wind all over the place from N, W to SE a flukey 1 - 5 kts with occasional gusts. Only 200, the wind was cold but not too bad as so light. All of the racing was in A rig wind range. Everyone used A rigs.
When we arrived and started sailing, a light wind was fluctuating from E to N, to W. By race time in the afternoon it had settled down to W-SW and 0 patches to 5 knots. Wind strength changed all afternoon with W to SW winds across the course with frequent lulls and rare gusts. If you were in a wind band you moved nicely, if not, you could be just barely moving. Interestingly, the fleet was very often in a close bunch with lots of place changes throughout the races. Looked lovely with a bunch of yachts converging on buoys at once, but very few bumps, fouls and no tangles.
Peter was back with his Alternative and showed good starts, clean racing and good lines gave most consistent wins.
Everyone was taking their penalties and racing was slow, technical and flukey. Very much a day when a good start was so important as was being lucky with winds changing strength and direction frequently, making strategy difficult. Very enjoyable and jovial sail though with lots of bumps at buoys and misjudgment of line to take.
Eight boats started and seven sailed every race, which is great.
Seven races, 3 laps 1-5 knots W to SW, with gusts.
FIRST on 9 pts- Peter Elsmore - Alternative #00 - Yellow 20 second handicap now
SECOND on 17 pts - RColin Johanson - Kantwo #72
Equal THIRD on 20 pts - Ken Nichols - Ocka #104 AND David Meldrum - Bug #62
Then, with scores - Maureen 22, Richard 27, Charles 44 and Matt 45 (Budgie) with one discard