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Radio Waves Magazine

For the latest edition of  ARYA Radio Waves

Click Here


1.5 Class FOR SALE

Monthly Event Reports

Reports will be archived for 6 months and will be posted on separate WEB PAGES

Click on the Date Pages


NMSC Race under the 10 standard International Model Yacht Racing rules and have since 2004

For Rules Click Here

But we must race in a Friendly way, showing respect and good manners to all fellow sailors and to give advice and assistance re- rules etc when required especially to novice sailors


Boat Cradle

This would have to be the best Boat Cradle Plan yet

Thank you to the designer David Jensen of WA, USA

for the photographs and design documentation for this terrific Cradle

Study pictures below and click on the 2 plans PDF`s

The Plans are in Imperial but easy to convert

Cradle:- Click Here     Stand:- Click Here


Contact : Andrew  on 0414 564 426 or

To Link to The Radio Sailing On-Line Shop   Click Here